
Fabric and Wool Destash – Cherrybrook Uniting Church

By Sophie Poredos

Fabric And Wool Destash
Pictured: elouera cottage crafts team setting up for the fabric and wool destash in the upcoming weeks.

Have you got any excess fabrics or wool lying around? Instead of letting it clutter up your cupboard, Cherrybrook Uniting Church Hall would love your donations for their ‘Fabric and Wool Destash’. The drop off date for donations at Cherrybrook Uniting Church is by Saturday, 6th of April at Cherrybrook Uniting Church, 134 New Line Road, Cherrybrook.

Donations can include patchwork, dress-fabric and wool but not any half-finished projects or curtain and upholstery material. The main event is on Saturday the 20th April in the hall at Cherrybrook Uniting Church, from 10am to 2pm. This event organised by Elouera Cottage Crafts, includes over 25 exciting stalls of fabric, wool and other crafting goodies.

With a gold coin donation for entry, supporting ‘Hands and Feet’ your visit will provide vegetable hampers, fresh fruit and packaged foods for those in need. ‘Hands and Feet’ operates in conjunction with local churches and distributes hampers to the surrounding community. The impact of this not-for-profit is fundamental as it builds lasting relationships with their local members whilst supporting them through financial crises.

Elouera Cottage Crafts, which formed in July 2002, produces handcrafts for the Cherrybrook Uniting Church’s Women’s Fellowship as part of its fundraising initiatives. Whilst the original Elouera Cottage onsite in Cherrybrook has since been demolished, this community of women spanning over two decades, shares their passions for embroidery, cross stitch and crocheting amongst other handcrafts.

Maryann Bryan is an organiser for the event and proud member of Elouera Cottage Crafts, passionate about bringing people together through this event as it; “Provides an opportunity to people if they’re looking to cull their fabrics rather than throwing them in the bin and it also brings like minded craft people together.”

Bring along some cash if you are visiting on April 20th as some stallholders may not have Eftpos. If you want a stall at the event it is $30 for a full day. Contact Maryann on 0408 441 766. Instead of throwing out your beautiful yarn and excess fabrics, come along and find some bargains in this warm and welcoming community group.

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