
Pets Available For Adoption

Your new best friend is waiting for you at the Hawkesbury Companion Animal Shelter!
Adoption is a great way to bring a new furry friend into your family at a great price, while giving a beautiful dog or cat a loving family to call their own.
? The Hawkesbury Companion Animal Shelter is located at 10 Mulgrave Road, Mulgrave.
⏰ We’re open
Monday to Friday 9am – 12.30pm and 2pm – 4.30pm
Saturday 9.30am – 11.30am
Sunday 7am – 9.30am
Pets Available1 Pets Available For Adoption
Pets Available Pets Available For Adoption
Adoption is a great way to bring a new furry friend into your family at a great price, while giving a beautiful dog or cat a loving family to call their own.

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