AllLibrary / Museum

Movie Viewing at the Hawkesbury Central Library

Movie Viewing At The Hawkesbury Central Library

Mark your diaries for a late-morning Tuesday viewing of Mrs. Harris Goes to Paris at the Hawkesbury Central Library on 10 October 2023.

Released in 2022, the drama-comedy movie set in the 1950s circles around Mrs Harris, a cleaning lady who started admiring a Dior gown and her eventual travel to Paris to seize her dream.

The movie starts at 10:00 AM and ends at 12:00 PM. Tea and coffee will be provided by the Library.

The movie session is free of charge. Reservations online via Eventbrite are essential, which can be accessed here: Movies@Your Library. The viewing is among the Hawkesbury Library Service’s list of events.

The Hawkesbury Central Library is located at 300 George Street in Windsor, NSW 2753.

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